2022 Global Workforce Symposium Event
Approximate Session Duration: 1 hour
CE Credits Available: 1 GMS, 1 CRP
Description:The Beatles told us we could get by with a little help from our friends. In Mobility, those friends are an extensive, often complex, network of stakeholders and suppliers who make programs run smoothly and empower you to deliver exceptional experiences. But today's fast-evolving programs and shifting employee needs are forcing companies and their suppliers to re-examine best practices. So Come Together as our panel discusses the trends in programs that are changing the way mobility programs are administered, including flexibility, DEI, Sustainability, and hybrid work -- changes that rely on supplier partners that understand your culture. We'll examine the strategies that forward-thinking companies are adopting in order to attract the best candidates and examine how a strong, harmonized supply chain can support your goals, create process and cost efficiencies, and deliver a great employee experience. With the insight you'll gain, you'll never have to hear your employees say, “Don’t Let Me Down”!
Brought to you by Weichert Workforce Mobility